
Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about WSI, our Internet Consultants and how they can help your business? Here are the most frequently asked questions we hear from customers like you every day.

Who is WSI?

WSI Internet Consulting & Education has been developing profitable Internet Solutions for businesses since the mid 1990s. Recognizing that a website offered little value if no one could find it, we deployed a comprehensive directory system that drove targeted leads to our clients' websites. This was a significant advantage in those days, long before the arrival of search engine marketing or the other advanced Internet marketing techniques available today. It was also one of our first examples of the unique benefits a business received by partnering with one of our local Internet Consultants.

What is an "Internet Consultant" and why do I need one for my business?

Our Internet Consultants are the new breed of business advisors. Like your lawyer, your accountant, your stock broker - each a trusted business partner whose expertise you rely on to succeed - an Internet Consultant is in your local community to ensure your business realizes the full profit potential offered by Internet technologies. In a nutshell, they are specially trained and certified Internet business experts ready to deliver Internet products and services that best meet your business needs and your budget.

Why should I buy my website from WSI instead of any other Internet Solution provider?

Before you choose a website package for your business stop and take a moment to see what you're really getting. Off the shelf website packages and do-it-yourself site builders are usually shortcuts that just end up costing you money and leave you with little to no real support after installation. Our Internet Consultants provide you with the ongoing support and measurement tools needed to ensure your website is working for your business.

What is an e-Solution?

You may have heard of the term "e-Business". It was coined by IBM to describe using the Internet in some way to improve the operating efficiencies of a business. E-Solutions (or Internet Solutions as we call them) are simply a set of integrated online tools that enable e-Business. This can include customer service functions, document sharing and management, streamlined communications, and of course, online sales. In fact, many common to complex business functions have e-evolved to the Internet

How will implementing a WSI Internet Solution be a benefit to my business?

More and more consumers are turning to the Internet as their primary method of research for the products and services they buy everyday. Worldwide online shopping numbers continue to climb year after year, and if consumers can't find you online, it's a safe bet they will find your competition. Can you afford to lose that business? It's an important consideration, and an Internet Solution can help you remain competitive in this changing market. Even the Yellow Pages phone directory people now have a website - they know the writing's not on the wall, it's online.

What time and resources are required from me, the end-user?

Working with an Internet Consultant will actually cost you less time than if you were to attempt a do-it-yourself website, or tried to figure out how to customize a ready-made package. At the onset, your Internet Consultant will want to spend time with you at your place of business to conduct an Internet Business AnalysisTM, our patent-pending business evaluation tool. After this question and answer period, your Internet Consultant will have enough information to create your unique Internet Solution proposal.

How does the development process work? Will the process be customized for my business? How will the Internet Solution be adapted to my industry?

Once your Internet Consultant has conducted the Internet Business AnalysisTM and you approve the customized Internet Solution proposal, your specific requirements are assigned to one of our many production facilities for development. Your Internet Consultant works with the production facility to ensure that your Internet Solution meets all of your business' needs and provides your site's visitors with an enjoyable experience. Because we've been doing this for so long, our production facilities have likely created a website for others in your industry before - experience that you benefit from directly.

Are the services provided with a guarantee?

Your satisfaction is important to us and you can always expect personal and professional service from your Internet Consultant. The following highlights our technical support system:

  • Our server networks are housed in secure facilities and monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by highly trained and certified support staff.
  • We've established software and hardware partnerships with Microsoft and IBM to achieve the highest levels of reliability.
  • Strict security and privacy policies ensure your data is kept safe
  • Our Service Level Agreements specify 99.7% system uptime - documentation that will be supplied with your Internet Solution.

How will my business and customer base grow as a result of my association with a WSI Internet Consultant?

By developing a customized Internet Solution for your business, your Internet Consultant would have identified key areas of opportunity to increase sales and reduce operating costs.
Think of the savings you could achieve by replacing postal mail advertising with a targeted email campaign; replacing your traditional training processes with e-Learning; eliminating your printed catalogs with full-color images online that can be updated anytime. These are significant savings you could reinvest in making your business grow.
Introducing new Internet marketing strategies can help you reach more interested customers than you ever thought possible and give you unique ways of always keeping your business fresh in their minds.

What is going to be my return on investment? (ROI)

This depends on what type of Internet Solution you decide to invest in. Even a smaller-scale customized Internet Solution will help you realize cost savings and can increase sales. Think about what the added revenue generated by a steady stream of new customers to your website alone could mean to your bottom line.
It is not uncommon for business owners to begin with a basic solution and then upgrade over time, adding additional features and expanding on marketing efforts. WSI Internet Consultants want to develop a long-term business relationship with you, and because their office is in your local community, they'll be there to support you as your needs change and as your business grows.

Contact us today and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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